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1. Goodman, William Louis. "The history of woodworking tools." The history of woodworking tools. (1963).

2. Ulrich, Roger B. Roman woodworking. Yale University Press, 2008.

3. Kivimaa, Eero. "Cutting force in woodworking." Cutting force in woodworking. 18 (1950).

4. Domínguez-Rodrigo, Manuel, et al. "Woodworking activities by early humans: a plant residue analysis on Acheulian stone tools from Peninj (Tanzania)." Journal of Human Evolution 40.4 (2001): 289-299.

5. Ulrich, Roger B. "Woodworking." The Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World. 2008.

6. Tian, Rundong, et al. "Matchsticks: Woodworking through improvisational digital fabrication." Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2018.

7. Lucisano, Giuseppe, Miladin Stefanovic, and Cristiano Fragassa. "ADVANCED DESIGN SOLUTIONS FOR HIGH-PRECISION WOODWORKING MACHINES." International Journal for Quality Research 10.1 (2016).

8. Lucisano, Giuseppe, Miladin Stefanovic, and Cristiano Fragassa. "ADVANCED DESIGN SOLUTIONS FOR HIGH-PRECISION WOODWORKING MACHINES." International Journal for Quality Research 10.1 (2016).

9. Hardy, Bruce L., and Gary T. Garufi. "Identification of woodworking on stone tools through residue and use-wear analyses: experimental results." Journal of Archaeological Science 25.2 (1998): 177-184.

10. Hardy, Bruce L., and Gary T. Garufi. "Identification of woodworking on stone tools through residue and use-wear analyses: experimental results." Journal of Archaeological Science 25.2 (1998): 177-184.

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